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Skincare brand Antonia Burrell appoints PR
Antonia Burrell has appointed Babushka Communications to handle its PR activity. The agency’s remit includes working on a number of word of mouth initiatives for the skincare brand. The Antonia… read more
Cowshed unveils Slender Cow Bust Firming Serum
This month marks the launch of Slender Cow Bust Firming Serum from Cowshed. The product contains high performing dermochlorella to tighten and strengthen; fermiskin, to tone and firm; and sea fern extract… read more
uslu airlines adds to Bernhard Willhelm line
uslu airlines adds to Bernhard Willhelm line with the launch of two nail polishes. The new additions to the collaborative range draws inspiration from Bernhard Willhelm’s temporary office move from Paris… read more