Texprint special prize nominees announced
Texprint has announced its special prize nominees. Texprint selects and mentors the best new textile design talent to graduate from UK art schools and universities each year. A panel of leading designers and influencers in fashion and design – journalist Tamsin Blanchard; designer Madeleine Press; Luigi Turconi from sponsor Ratti; Emma Kidd, creative researcher at Selfridges; and SVP creation at Lululemon Athletica Deanne Schweitzer – have reviewed the work of this year’s 24 designers and have chosen the short list of nominees for the four special prize categories. Body: Pepe Lowe (Chelsea College of Art), Kazusa Takamura (Chelsea), Alice Archer (RCA and previously Goldsmiths College); Space: Paul Roberts (Loughborough University), Heather JY Cheung (Heriot-Watt University) and Ffion Griffith (Chelsea); Colour: Danni Fairchild (Central St Martins), Taslima Sultana (CSM) and Gillian Louise Murphy (Glasgow School of Art); and Pattern: Elizabeth Ashdown (CSM), Danni Fairchild (CSM) and Cherica Haye (RCA and previously CSM). A further designer will be chosen from a short list including Gillian Louise Murphy, Pepe Lowe, Luise Martin (RCA and previously Ecole Duperré, Paris), Cherica Haye and Florence Angelica Colson (Leeds College of Art) to receive the Lululemon Texprint Award. In its second year, the award is sponsored by the activewear company Lululemon Athletica and the winner will be chosen by Deanne Schweitzer, who will receive a prize of £1,000 and a three-month paid internship at Lululemon headquarters in Vancouver, Canada. Following the event in London, the 24 designers will show in Paris at Indigo, part of Première Vision Pluriel, September 17-19, 2013 where The Woolmark Texprint Award will be judged and the four special prize winners will be announced in September – see Fashion Insight Events. The winners will each receive £1,000, sponsored by Pantone, Liberty Art Fabrics and The Clothworkers’ Foundation.
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