
    Social shopping platform haveyouseen launches

    Today marks the launch of social shopping platform haveyouseen. This new social shopping platform allows customers to not only find and share products and deals, but also earn commission. The platform enables people to recommend a product or service to friends or connections and earn money when they buy. haveyouseen will channel money direct to the individual recommending the product, instead of shopping websites through affiliate fees. From fashion and beauty to gadgets, furniture and even holidays, haveyouseen gives members the opportunity to take all their favourite things from across the Internet and organise them into one, easy to find shoppable location. This can then be easily shared with their social circles. The site, which is free to join, already has the backing of more than 3,000 big-name retailers with more joining every day. The site will be unveiled on the eve of London Fashion Week, September 11, with bloggers and celebrities, who often endorse products, already using the beta version of the platform.
