British Council and British Fashion Council announce International Fashion Showcase
The British Council and the British Fashion Council will present 130 emerging designers from 30 countries in the largest public fashion exhibition of its kind. The annual exhibition, now in its fourth year, is free of charge and will take place at Brewer Street Car Park in London during London Fashion Week (see Fashion and Beauty Insight Events). The first joint collaboration between the British Council and the British Fashion Council is the only BFC initiative which is open to the public during London Fashion Week. The exhibition covers four continents and is arranged by country, with each presenting a curated static exhibition. Highlights of the exhibition includes Liliana Sanguino who will curate an exhibition for Colombia that reinterprets the country’s traditional basket weaving, print and quilting techniques; with Japan presenting collections that explore two extremes of contemporary fashion in Japan: the minimalist sensibility of traditional clothing (wafuku) and Japanese interpretations of Western-style dress (yofuku). The exhibition will work as a durational performance to represent the ever changing nature of fashion.