Charlotte Tilbury’s Beauty Revolution launches at Fenwick
November sees the launch of Charlotte Tilbury’s Beauty Revolution in Fenwick of Bond Street. Charlotte Tilbury is spearheading Fenwick’s project of regeneration over the next year, and is the first brand ever to open the windows on Bond Street. As part of the launch, Charlotte is launching the Charlotte Tilbury Backstage Beauty Booth concept on November 9. Each month the Charlotte Tilbury Backstage Beauty Booth will highlight a different aspect of the brand. This Christmas, the Beauty Booth will be showcasing Charlotte’s range of cosmetics and skincare as well as present the Easy Gift Revolution Christmas shopping proposition. Customers can have an in-depth easy-gift consultation with champagne, or a quick three-step gift consultation. Charlotte will also make a personal appearance on Bond Street – see Fashion and Beauty Insight Events – to officially celebrate the collaboration with Fenwick. The full Charlotte Tilbury counter launches in Fenwick’s new Beauty Hall from March 2015.